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ABOUT US (AVA)______________________

The Agar Vision Africa Agricultural Initiative
commonly known as ‘AVA initiative’ is a Non-profitable and Non-Governmental Organization founded Nigeria in 2012 and currently registered in Ghana, The Gambia and registration in process in Germany. In Africa, farmers play an important role in sustaining the populace and maintaining the countryside. Providing helpful information as well as building the capacity of the farmers, plays a critical role in the actualization of Food Security of a country.

Acquiring new technologies in developing countries can be cost implicative, so providing these assistances to the Farmers from Developing countries cannot be overemphasized. Creativity and resourcefulness are vital to farmers as they use locally sourced materials to improvise for much needed Farming equipment and materials serving as a key towards achieving the goal of sustainability and food security.

The need to secure a future for our Farmers and Food Security in Africa brought to birth The Agar Vision Africa Initiative, as the organization is saddled to achieve a drive that is geared towards attaining the Millennium Development Goals.

We intend to mind to promote the collection and distribution of information on the agricultural and food industries; defend the right of the individual Farmers to objective information and to defend the profession of Farming in Africa. As we uphold, assert and further the authority and prestige of People engaged in the agriculture; establish, maintain and further professional and personal contacts between Farmers in Africa and the rest of the world; To assist in the training and skill acquisition of Farmers and their household.

To contribute towards a better understanding between agricultural producers and other sections of the economy, especially consumers and to help source for assistance for Farmers in areas not limited to their infrastructural, mechanical and personal development.All and not limited to this aims we intend to achieve as we put our trust in God.

Olufemi Jim Peters Shobayo
Executive Secretary General.





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